

Do I need to do anything any differently to access services in my PCN?

No. As a patient, you don’t have to do anything. Simply contact the GP Practice you’re registered with as normal when you need to book an appointment. In general, your GP surgery will refer you to PCN services. This means your GP surgery will either directly book an appointment for you, or the PCN team will contact you to arrange an appointment. If you visit the PCN services and team section, you can see the different services and how each service can be accessed.

As with all services provided by your GP surgery, if you need help with your appointment, please make sure you say:

  • If there’s a specific health professional you would prefer to respond
  • If you would prefer to consult with the PCN service by phone, face-to-face, by video call or by text or email
  • If you need an interpreter
  • If you have any other access or communication needs.

Cancelling or changing an appointment

As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.

Preparing for your appointment

Before your appointment, you may find it helpful to access this NHS guidance about what to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional:

Please note for Structured Medication Reviews, there is some information on how to prepare for your appointment here.